Do you feel like having a product-based business gets you off the hook for showing up as the face of that business?
I have some bad news for you…
To grow your business, you need to showcase more than your beautiful products. Your customers need to see YOU as well.
I know by now you’re very familiar with the know/like/trust factor when it comes to building your business, and it’s easy to think that creating quality products alone will build the trust factor for your clients. To a certain extent, that is true; when I buy something that meets or exceeds my expectations I’m going to buy from that business again and tell all my mates about it too.

But if your customers aren’t already buyers, there’s a good chance they’ll need something to help get them over the line to place that first order. And that’s where connection comes in.
Humans are made to connect with humans, and when you are visible in your business you make it really easy for us to do that. Suddenly, I see you – a real person who loves reading, just like me, or runs a business, just like me, or loves gin, just like me!

What that does is create a shortcut that lets me know your product could be just the thing I’m looking for, because I feel connected to you. (It might seem a bit illogical, but it works!)
I always get a bit of an extra thrill when clients who have engaged me for product photography are brave enough to step in front of the camera, and to see the impact this has on their confidence and their business growth is so much fun.
If you’ve been putting off being the face of your business, you are definitely not alone. But I promise you, people want to get to know who you are – so I encourage you to start showing up in your business today.
The images above were shot for Monica from drmonicadr.com to showcase her Grow Through Planner.
Having great imagery of yourself that you LOVE makes it so much easier! Get in touch and let’s chat about what we could create for you.
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