My signature program – Powerful Branding Bootcamp – kicked off on Monday and in our first week we dive into some of the BIGGEST, deepest topics related to branding and business. These topics are for many people the most challenging, but also the most rewarding, particularly our very first one – discovering your purpose.
Why is discovering your purpose so important? Let me take a step back and explain. When people talk about their business, they commonly start by saying WHAT they do, followed by HOW they do it. For example:
“Hi, my name’s Fi Mims and I’m a photographer. I take amazing photos of people so they can market their business”.
However, in this famous Ted Talk, Simon Sinek explains that when we instead choose to lead with our WHY (or purpose), we’re more likely to inspire and captivate our audience.
Inspiring and captivating our audience is important because it’s how we create an emotional connection with them, and it’s only once we do this that people become interested in what we have to offer, and stick around to learn more.
In short: your message needs to CONNECT people to your purpose before you try to sell them what you DO.
In his Ted Talk, Simon uses Apple as a great example of leading with your why. As he explains, if Apple were to market itself in a standard way (starting with WHAT they do), it might say:
“We make great computers. They’re beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. Want to buy one?”
However, how Apple actually markets itself is:
“Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?”
It’s obvious which statement has more chance of creating an emotional reaction in people, right?
The upshot? If you’re not already leading with your why when you talk about your work, you need to rethink the way you explain what you do.
That is, from now on you need to start with your WHY!

If you haven’t done this work before and would love some guidance on how to work out your purpose, here are a few questions to help:
If you weren’t paid, what would make you still get up and do what you do every day?
How does the work you do make a difference to your customers?
How does the work you do make a difference to the world in a larger sense?
What do you want to be known for?
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
And another tip: keep in mind that when talking about your purpose it usually won’t include mention of your products or services, but instead will often mention the impact your work has on your customers or clients, or the problem you’re solving for them, or it might reflect your values (what’s important to you).
Here are a few more examples:
Simon Sinek’s example:
I inspire people to do the things that inspire them so that, together, we can change our world.
To connect millions of people in real life all over the world, through a community marketplace – so that you can belong anywhere.
Fi Mims Photography:
Helping female entrepreneurs elevate their brand and increase their visibility, so they can build a successful business doing what they love.
So now it’s your turn! Answer the questions above and then, using Simon Sinek’s simple format below as a guide, have a play and see if you can come up with your own WHY statement:
I ______________________________________________ SO THAT _______________________________________________.
Discovering your purpose and leading with your why are essential steps in creating a strong and captivating brand. By connecting with your audience on an emotional level and clearly articulating the impact of your work, you can inspire others and build a loyal following.
So take the time to uncover your purpose and craft your own compelling WHY statement, and watch how it transforms your brand and business!

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